南美冷凍材料有限公司成立於1997年,初期主要經銷日本Mexichem (美希化工)冷媒及美國Yellow Jacket冷凍空調器具,為服務更廣大客戶群,於2014年起亦經銷Arkema冷媒,本公司一直秉持著誠實服務客戶的精神,堅持提供優質的產品。因此服務客戶涵蓋國內汽車生產工廠及冷凍空調維修業、汽車保養維修業、家電、製造業、倉儲物流業、大型空調機組製造工廠等等。
因全球的環保意識抬頭,在家用空調、冷凍冷藏系統及商用冷媒的使用上歐美各國也訂定出相關禁令,需朝向無ODP (臭氧層破壞指數)及低GWP(溫室效應指數)的特性發展,此兩種指數數字越大,代表其對於環境的衝擊就越大。為了因應海外各國法規要求,於2015年成立百冠達貿易有限公司,代理Honeywell(霍尼韋爾)第四代冷媒HFO系列產品,俾利各製造商在符合法規要求的同時,亦能提供高效率、安全和經濟的製冷解決方案。
Southern Refrigeration Parts Co., Ltd was founded in 1997. In the beginning, the company mainly distributed the refrigerant from Japan Mexichem and the refrigerated air conditioning appliance from American Yellow Jacket. In order to serve a wider customer base, our company also started to distribute Arkema refrigerant since 2014. The company always upholds the spirit to serve the customers honestly and to provide quality products. As a result, our customers include domestic automobile production plants and refrigeration and air-conditioning maintenance industry, automobile maintenance and repair industry, home appliances, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, and large air-conditioning unit manufacturing plants...etc. |
Due to the rising awareness of environmental protection globally, American and European countries have also set relevant bans on the use of refrigerants for household air conditioners and refrigeration systems, as well as refrigerants for commercial use. The development is toward zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and low GWP (Global Warming Potential). The larger the two index numbers, the greater the impact on the environment.
In order to meet the requirements of overseas countries, Besda Trading Co., Ltd. was established in 2015 to act as an agent and to distribute Honeywell refrigerants (HFO). Therefore, the manufacturers can comply with regulatory requirements while providing an efficient, safe, and economical cooling solution. |